Monday 15 April 2013

New models of Electric Fires & Wood Burning Stoves from Dimplex

Dimplex are synonymous for high quality products, amazing electric fire effects and huge product range which have resulted in them becoming the largest electric fire manufacturer in the world. Constantly looking at the the latest innovations and striving to introduce electric fires to suit current design trends, Dimplex have recently introduced a selection of new products which are now available to purchase from HotPrice Fireplaces.

Dimplex Chevalier Electric Stove
 The Dimplex 'Opti-Myst' effect is regarded as the most realistic flame effect available. This stunning visual effect uses water vapour to create a unbelievable flame that most customers find virtually identical to gas fires and real, open fires. Available in both inset electric fires that are designed to be fitted into a fireplace or in a wall-mounted style which offer a modern solution to contemporary homes and apartments, the Dimplex Opti-Myst flame effect has to be seen to really be appreciated.

The HotPrice showroom in Middleton, Manchester displays a selection of Dimplex fires with both the original Optiflame effect and the new Opti-Myst effect. These include the Dimplex Chevalier free-standing electric stove in it's modern gloss white finish, the Dimplex Danville inset electric fire and the wall-mounted Dimplex Tahoe which can simply be fitted on to any flat wall without the need to be inset.

Dimplex Danville Opti-Myst
 Electric fires offer a simple solution to create a warming feature within any room. There is no restrictions on flue types of a property as electric fires do not require any outside flue. They can be enjoyed throughout the year as the flame effect can be used independently of the heater. They are also a popular choice with home-owners who live in properties that do have a flue or chimney as with modern constructed houses which feature central heating and double glazed windows, they want the fire for mostly effect and with some of the range of Dimplex Fires now featuring low energy. LED bulbs, running costs of the flame effects will be very low.

Most electric fires in the Dimplex product range feature a 2kW fan heater. This can be used on a 1kW or 2kW setting and many models also include a thermostatic control which will cut the fire out once the room has reached a desired temperature. Whilst it is not likely that a electric fire will be used as a main heating source, they are ideal to provide instant heat to take the initial chill off the room before the central heating warms up or for a bit of extra warmth when it's not too cold outside.

Dimplex Selborne Multi-Fuel Stove
As well as a fantastic range of premium electric fires, Dimplex now offer a selection of wood burning stoves. These have proved very popular as current trends have made the option of heating your home with a carbon neutral method such as wood burning has become the choice for many people. As a iconic brand, you can rely on the fact the the range of Dimplex stoves have the advanced technology and attention to detail that Dimplex incorporate in their electric fires. The wood burning stoves include two models that have DEFRA approval which allow you to burn wood even in smokeless zones.

For friendly, impartial advice on the full range of Dimplex fires and stoves, contact HotPrice Fireplaces today on 0845 0000 080 or visit the website at where you can browse all products.

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